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Contact Paratech Solutions - IT Recruitment Specialists

Contact ParaTech Solutions

0161 7144177

59 Wilmslow Road, Handforth, Cheshire, SK9 3EN

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A Curriculum Vitae is a vital selling tool and marks the first stage of possible employment. Send us your CV and we'll do the rest.

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I have had a working relationship with Sotonte for several years - during this time it has been exceptionally easy to develop a rapport with him

Recruitment Manager. Software Company

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Tips on How to Write a Successful CV

When applying for a new job, your CV is the first piece of information your potential employer knows about you. It is therefore vital that your CV mak...

New website for Paratech Solutions

Paratech Solutions, a recruitment agency in Manchester and surrounding area, are delighted to announce the launch of their new website. Designed to be...